Web Developer 🔨

Yuma Kitamura

  • Osaka, Kyoto


Basic Information

I go by the name "Jiyuujin" (自由人) online. My birthday is November 4, 1988, and I was born in Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture. My gender is male. I serve as a board member (Vice President) of the general incorporated FlutterKaigi association, a board member (President) of the general incorporated Kwansei Kaihatusha Kaigi Association. Currently, I am active mainly in the Kansai region (Kyoto and Osaka). This website was launched in March 2020, with the purpose of creating an opportunity to introduce myself, while keeping it separate from my personal blog. My journey into the world of study groups started on September 14, 2018, with the "Kyoto Dev Café" event hosted by Furyu Corporation. Since then, I have shifted towards a policy of valuing connections outside of my company.

X (Twitter)


  • HTML

  • CSS & SCSS

  • CSS modules

  • linaria

  • vanilla-extract

  • emotion

  • styled-components

  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript

  • Angular.js

  • jQuery

  • React.js

  • React

  • Next.js

  • Gatsby.js

  • Vue

  • Nuxt.js

  • Svelte

  • SvelteKit

  • Astro

  • Dart

  • Flutter

  • Objective-C

  • Swift

  • Java (Android)

  • Kotlin (Android)

  • Redux (React)

  • MobX (React)

  • Vuex (Vue 2.x)

  • Pinia (Vue 3.x)

  • Provider (Flutter)

  • Riverpod (Flutter)


  • Express

  • Nest.js

  • Scala

  • Play

  • Java (Server)

  • Kotlin (Server)

  • Rust

  • PHP

  • Laravel

  • CakePHP


  • GraphQL APIs

  • Supabase

  • PostgreSQL

  • MySQL

  • Prisma

  • MongoDB

  • Firebase


  • AWS Lambda

  • AWS CloudFront

  • AWS S3

  • AWS Lightsail

  • AWS ECS (Fargate)

  • AWS App Runner

  • GCP Cloud Run

  • GCP EC2

  • VS Code

  • IntelliJ (PHPStorm)

  • Vim

  • Figma / FigJam

  • Git


My career started as an iOS native app engineer. Through my work as an app engineer, I gained fundamental coding skills while also working on improving the UX of the management website (PHP) that ran behind the scenes. I found the process of improving the web side of things particularly appealing, which led me to gradually explore the front-end engineering field, including technologies like Node.js, CSS design, and JavaScript frameworks. Currently, I focus on optimizing the design of entire applications, including cloud services (Azure / AWS), while working daily to enhance their quality and proactively add new features. Additionally, as a member of the LINE Developers Community's API Expert group, I actively promote LINE's front-end framework and Messaging API. For the REV UP 2022 conference organized by LINE Developers, I was responsible for creating the official website. In the future, I plan to continue sharing knowledge and contributing to communities not only through my personal blog but also through platforms like Zenn.

Related Links

Job Timeline

The timeline was created on basis of projects and my own affiliation. The timeline is a rough overview of my personality, with two aspects: my main job and other.




2023-10-01 ~

Developer: Engagement/Relation team


2021-06-01 ~ 2023-09-30

Developer: EventIn team


2019-07-01 ~ 2021-05-31

Lead: Smaregi/POS team


2019-02-01 ~ 2019-06-30

Developer: Scouter/Sardine team


2016-01-01 ~ 2019-01-31

Lead: Battlecats/Namesta team


2014-10-01 ~ 2015-12-31

undefined: 家電連携アプリの開発


2012-04-01 ~ 2013-03-31

undefined: 流通系基幹システムの開発

Kwansei Gakuin University

2007-04-01 ~ 2012-03-31

student: ツイート語彙の解析と経済の因果を研究、[email protected]


2023-01-01 ~

technical expert: お声をいただいて

Rev Up (LINE Developers)

2022-07-01 ~ 2022-10-31

undefined: LINE Developers Community もっちゃんさんより依頼を受けて


2023-11-22 ~

undefined: kansai.ts など、主に Kyoto や Osaka で運営


2018-09-01 ~ 2020-03-06

undefined: v-kansai など、主に Kyoto や Osaka で運営


2012-10-01 ~ 2014-09-30

委託: ゲームアプリの開発、DevOpsの改善


2013-01-01 ~ 2013-06-30

委託: 勤怠アプリ製作


Personal Blog (formerly: Web Neko Blog)

Lume, Deno Deploy, GitHub Actions

  • contributor

  • https://blog.nekohack.me/
  • @jiyuujin.bsky.socialhttps://times.nekohack.me/@jiyuujinlab
  • This is a personal blog that was created and launched in October 2018 using Nuxt (v1.0.0-rc.11) to share my knowledge. The name was chosen based on my love for cats, which is a characteristic of mine, and it is operated with the goal of fostering a product-oriented mindset as a web developer. At the time, one of the popular Headless CMS platforms, Contentful, was gaining attention, and there was a growing need to have a personal product outside of work to seek new challenges and stimulation. During the course of its operation, I rewrote the blog in TypeScript, adopted the Decorator API, and eventually switched to the Composition API to support Nuxt 3. Currently, I have transitioned to Lume, a static site generator running on Deno, which offers easy configuration and flexibility for customization.

Staff Operations

Nuxt.js, Flutter, SvelteKit, Newt, microCMS, Netlify, GitHub Page, Codemagic Static Page

Tech Community

  • 関西開発者会議



At offline events like tech conferences, I often wear event T-shirts. Since attending Vue Fes Japan 2018, I have also participated in JS Conf JP, Frontend Conference (Kansai/Fukuoka), and others. Due to my deep interest in photography, I’m not particularly accustomed to being photographed, and as a general rule, I prefer not to have my appearance shared on social media or other platforms. However, this is not always the case, so please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.